Thank you so much to everyone in the world-wide flash fiction community who supported all our enterprises in 2019 and helped them thrive. It’s really been a great year for Bath Flash Fiction. We ran three more successful single flash fiction awards, our third novella-in- flash award, our third Flash Fiction Festival, hosted several reading events and Ad Hoc Fiction, our fantastic short-short press, published twelve new flash fiction books pictured above, which are all available to buy from the online bookshop in several different currencies. And, in a first for Ad Hoc Fiction, the everrumble by New Zealand based author, Michelle Elvy first published in the UK in June, 2019 and launched at the Flash Fiction Festival, is now published and available to buy in New Zealand. More details on our year-in-flash below:
Our competitions
- We received a bumper number of entries overall for the three Bath Flash Fiction Awards in 2019 – 3123 submissions from 58 countries and With One Eye On The Cows the fourth anthology of micros by winning, placed, shortlisted and longlisted authors from these awards has recently be posted to all contributors.
- Over 100 entries arrived for our third novella-in-flash award and Ad Hoc Fiction published six novellas from the Award, the winner, two runners-up and three commended.
- The Ad Hoc Fiction free micro contest (running weekly with some breaks) attracts hundreds of world wide entries and Ad Hoc continues to publish an ebook with the longlisted entries for public vote.
the third Bath Flash Fiction Anthology was longlisted in the anthology category of the 2019 Saboteur Awards
Flash Fiction Festival UK, 2019
The third Flash Fiction Festival UK, directed by Bath Flash Fiction founder, Jude Higgins and an enthusiastic team who take care of all details, took place in Bristol UK this June and participants and presenters came from all over the world. It was a great success and exceptionally good fun. Ad Hoc Fiction recently published Flash Fiction Festival Three over eighty stories submitted by many of those attending. And you can see the gallery of pictures from the event on the festival website. Booking for the 2020 Festival at the same venue in Bristol 19-21st June, 2010, also sponsored by Bath Flash Fiction and Ad Hoc Fiction and co-directed this year by Jude Higgins and Diane Simmons is now open
We’re looking forward to the festival in 2020, to reading more of entries to our Awards, to publishing more new books and to anything else that emerges in our flash fiction world during 2020. We have plans! Whatever comes, we intend to get more people reading and writing flash fiction and having fun.
Happy New Year to All
Jude Higgins, December 31st, 2019.