Rules specific to our flash fiction award are immediately below. Our novella-in-flash rules are a little further down.
Bath Flash Fiction Award Rules
- Entrants must be 16 years or over.
- Entry is open to everyone; locally, nationally and internationally.
- An entry can only be made by the work’s individual author.
- Entries must not have been previously published in print or online, been broadcast or won a prize. Non-winning Ad Hoc Fiction eBook entries are exempt, hence are eligible for entry.
- Entries can be on any theme or subject but must be original and written in English. They must also be for adult or young adult readers. Non-fiction and fiction written for children under 13 years is not eligible.
- Simultaneous submission is permitted. Should your fiction win a prize or be published elsewhere, please let us know so that we may remove your entry from the current Award. We will also refund your entry fee subject to our Refunds rule below.
- Authors retain full worldwide copyright throughout.
- Maximum length is 300 words, title excluded.
- Entries should be typed in a plain legible font. A sans 14pt font is suggested.
- Entries will be read and judged anonymously so do not put your name, address, email, telephone number or any personally identifying information on any page.
- If the piece has no title, then its first five words must be used as the title.
- Acceptable file types are odt, doc, docx, txt and pdf.
- The file name must be the title of your piece, punctuation removed. If your piece does not have a title, then the file name must be its first five words, punctuation removed.
- Entry is online via email and only through the gateway on this site. We do not accept postal entries.
- Entries will not be returned so please keep a copy.
- No major corrections or alterations can be made after entries have been received; minor edits – punctuation and spelling – can be made, but only up to the closing date of a round. Contact our help desk.
- There is no limit to the number of entries any single entrant may make.
- Entries are acknowledged by your receiving of a PayPal receipt.
- The standard fee is £9.00 GBP for one submission. Reductions are available for multiple entries and early submission.
- Submissions must be paid for via the PayPal buttons on this site. Payment can be made using your PayPal account or via Credit/Debit card option on the PayPal page.
- Full no quibble refunds are available up to the closing date of each round, contact us should the need arise.
- Once a round’s closing date has passed, no refunds can be made.
- The prize for each competition is £1000 First, £300 Second, £100 Third. The judge will choose a further two for commendation, £30 prize for each.
- The results of the competition will be announced on the Bath Flash Fiction Award website.
- Entrants retain copyright. First, second, third and two commended fictions are published on our site. Shortlisted and longlisted entries only have their titles and author names published for announcement purposes.
- All entrants will be considered for print publication in our forthcoming Bath Flash Fiction Award Anthology, due out the end of this year.
Entry constitutes acceptance of all Bath Flash Fiction Award Rules, Terms and Conditions, and Privacy Policies. Entries that fail to comply with rules, terms and conditions, privacy policies and requirements will be disqualified. No correspondence can be entered into, Judges’ decisions are final.
Bath Novella-in-Flash Award Rules
- Entrants must be 16 years or over.
- Entry is open to everyone; locally, nationally and internationally.
- An entry can only be made by the work’s author.
- Novella-in-flash entries must not have been previously published in print or online, been broadcast or won a prize.
- Individual pieces from the novella-in-flash entries may have been previously published, however the author must exclusively own all digital and print publishing rights to the piece. In this instance, authors are strongly encouraged to check their position with their current publisher before submission. All work appearing on our Ad Hoc Fiction site is exempt, assuming the author has not sold or passed rights to a third party.
- Entries can be on any theme or subject but must be original and written in English. They must also be for adult or young adult readers. Non-fiction and fiction written for children under 13 years is not eligible.
- Simultaneous submission is permitted. Should your novella-in-flash or individual fictions from the novella-in-flash win a prize or be published elsewhere, please let us know.
- Authors retain full worldwide copyright throughout.
- The novella-in-flash must be in between 6,000 and 18,000 words long.
- Individual flashes (or chapters) within the novella should not be more than 1000 words long.
- The document must be typed in a plain legible font in 1.5 spacing.
- Entries will be read and judged anonymously so do not put your name, address, email, telephone number or any personally identifying information on any page.
- Each page must carry the title of the piece. Pages should be numbered.
- Acceptable file types are odt, doc, docx, txt and pdf.
- The file name must be the title of your piece, punctuation removed.
- Entry is online via email and only through the gateway on this site. We do not accept postal entries.
- Entries will not be returned so please keep a copy.
- No corrections or alterations can be made after entries have been received’
- There is no limit to the number of entries any single entrant may make.
- Entries are acknowledged by your receiving of a PayPal receipt.
- The fee is £16.00 GBP for one submission.
- Submissions must be paid for via the PayPal buttons on this site. Payment can be made using your PayPal account or via Credit/Debit card option on the PayPal page.
- Full no quibble refunds are available up to the award closing date, contact us should the need arise.
- Once the closing date has passed, no refunds can be made.
- The first prize for the novella-in-flash award is £300, Two runners up will receive £100 each.
- The first prize winner and the two runners up will be published as individual print and digital books.
- Each of the three winners will receive five copies of the anthology.
- The results of the competition will be announced on the Bath Flash Fiction Award website.
- Entrants retain copyright. Shortlisted and longlisted entries have their titles and author names published for announcement purposes.
- Bath Flash Fiction Award will hold first publishing rights to the winning and two runner-up novella manuscripts.
Entry constitutes acceptance of all Bath Novella-in-Flash Award Rules, Terms and Conditions, and Privacy Policies. Entries that fail to comply with rules, terms and conditions, privacy policies and requirements will be disqualified. No correspondence can be entered into, Judges’ decisions are final.