Nominations: Pushcart Prize and Best Small Fictions 2021

It’s that time of year again! As always, we are nominating from our winners in the Bath Flash Award over the year – fictions selected by our judges Santino Prinzi, Mary Jane Holmes and Nod Ghosh. We are allowed to nominate six stories for the Pushcart Prize and five for Best Small Fictions. Many congratulations and best wishes to all!

You can link below to read all these stories and they will also be published on December 4th in our 2020 Bath Flash Fiction anthology Restore to Factory Settings, pictured here, which will be available to buy from Ad Hoc Fiction, Amazon and Waterstones, UK.

Pushcart prize,

Sea Change by Fiona Perry, first prize flash fiction, selected by Mary Jane Holmes in our June 2020 Award.
The White Dwarf, Jan Kaneen, third prize winner, selected by Nod Ghosh for the October Award.
The reallocation of a child’s atoms by Jim Toal, commended by Nod Ghosh in the October Award.
The Man You Didn’t Marry by Sam Payne,third prize in our June 2020 Award, selected by Mary Jane Holmes
The Price of Gingerbread, by Stephanie Carty commended in our February Award by Santino Prinzi
Our fathers, who we have strewn like seaweed behind us by Alison Powell, commended in our October Award by Nod Ghosh

Best Small Fictions 2021
Eight Spare Bullets, by Sharon Telfer first prize selected by Santino Prinzi in our February 2020 Award
The Dissolution of Peter McCaffrey by Simon Cowdroysecond prize selected by Santino Prinzi in our February 2020 Award
Blessings, 1849, first prize selected by Nod Ghosh in our October 2020 Award
The species of pangolin compromise their own order:Pholidota, by Hannah Storm, second prize in our June 2020 Award, selected by Mary Jane Holmes
Mother,Before, by Tara Isabel Zambrano second prize in our October 2020 Award selected by Nod Ghosh

Note: We can’t nominate for Best Microfictions as they just accept stories published online and not in anthologies.

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