At Bath Flash Fiction, we nominate our top prize winners for the different awards in the world of flash fiction and are delighted, this year, to nominate prize winners from 2024 for the next anthology of Best Small Fictions. They accept five nominations. (We wish it were more!) Several of our prize winning authors have been included in Best Small Fictions over the years, so best wishes for these five fantastic stories and to their authors.
From February 2024: A Palimpsest of Cheerleaders by Mairead Robinson and
All the Things That We Are Not by Jo Withers
From June 2024: A Cock Among the Bathers by Sara Hills
Driving my Seven-Year Old Nephew to Visit His Mother at Rehab by Emily Rinkema
From October 2024: Visiting Lenin’s Tomb by Kathryn Aldridge-Morris.
Want to be in with a chance to win the first contest of 2025? Enter our 29th Award (judged by Sarah Freligh,
Closes in two weeks on Sunday February 2nd at midnight GMT.
PS (Our 2024 anthology full of longlisted, shortlisted and winning pieces is, due to several factors,very delayed. But we hope it will be with contributors soon. We haven’t forgotten you).