It’s just over two weeks until our 22nd Award closes on Sunday October 9th. And here’s a Q & A with Rachel Blake our first prize winner, from the 21st Award. Rachel won with her story ‘Sequelae’. She talks about how she wrote this powerfully impactful piece, which was selected by judge, Tommy Dean, and we have reproduced his comments below, just before her answers to the questions. It’s worth a read of both if you want to look over your own pieces again and submit to the next Award which is judged by Emily Devane. There’s lots of interesting things to think about in Tommy’s comments and the interview with Rachel. At the end she’s offered a visual prompt to inspire you to write a story in the time that is left before the deadline.
Tommy Dean’s comments
“I’m a sucker for a long winding sentence that does its best to cram in as much pertinent information as possible. I love how the first sentence winds around like the neighbors’ cars taking them to work. I love a story that has such a fierce desire, the truth of waiting for others to leave, to have this private moment. I love that we as the reader are privy to this private moment, one that resonates in its pain, its search for relief. I love how we are on this search for the best place to exert our emotion alongside the character, how specific the details are here, how specific the places of retreat are, how they help me see the character’s desperation, to feel it, to won it. How really screaming isn’t enough, how art isn’t helpful, how frustration is somehow sentient, an antagonist. A masterful portrayal of unmet desire.”
Q & A with Jude, September 2022
- Congratulations again for winning first prize in our June Award with your brilliant story,’Sequelae’. Can you tell us how it came into being — the inspiration, the structure, the choice of title?

- I think you received news of your win on the very day you were moving from the U.K. to the US. What was it like to receive the news at that point?

- You also write longer form fiction and have recently completed a novel. Can you tell us more about it?
Have you always written both longer and very short pieces?
The novel I’ve just finished is called ‘TAIL’—trauma and its sequelae are also at the base of the book. To the narrator, Katie, animals make more sense than humans. She feels disconnected inside, that something inhabits her that she doesn’t understand. I’m interested in the way that trauma splits the body, the simultaneous knowing and not knowing, and how for women, the hormonal shifts at puberty, during childbirth and menopause, can further that gap. How to know the self, close the gap and find wholeness—this is the goal. For Katie, it’s through dance, and the destructive relationship with her narcissistic dance teacher who is manipulative, abusive, but also mentors her, helping Katie find and express the savagery at her core, which is also her strength, what she needs to face what happened to her. The book follows dual storylines, of Katie at puberty and menopause, the two narratives colliding at the point of trauma.
I’ve always written both short and long pieces. I started by journaling and writing poetry when I was in primary school, then short stories when I was at University. In my 20s I moved to Paris to write a novel, which was very disjointed and never saw the light of day. Since then I’ve written both, starting my morning writing with short pieces, to clear myself out, to protect the structure of the book.
- In your bio you mention that you have lived in many different places around the world. How do you think this influences your writing?
Living in different cultures is exciting, shakes me out of myself, makes me see other people, the world and who I am more clearly, which helps my writing feel fresh.<
- We are in the final few weeks of the October 2022 Award. Can you give us a story prompt to inspire last minute writers?
Story Prompt: