Congratulations to all the authors who have made our Award long list and huge thanks to all who entered.
Thirteenth Bath Flash Fiction Award Long List | |
Title | Author |
Snapped | Alison Woodhouse |
The Little Star Prince | Amy Barnes |
Last Night with the Stoatman | Anika Carpenter |
The Stones Bear Witness | Anne Summerfield |
With One Eye On The Cows | Annette Edwards-Hill |
Mo bhuachaillín beag | Catherine Higgins-Moore |
Cinnamon Lover | Cathy De Freitas |
Undoing | Clare Weze |
The Lone Citizen Must Save Himself | Clementine Burnley |
Cuttings | David Rhymes |
Thirst | Diane Simmons |
Gleann na h-iolaire | Don Taylor |
Worn-Down Nap | Dreena Collins |
The Exposure of Delight | Fiona J. Mackintosh |
The Wild West | Francis Mccrickard |
Cthulhu is a harried mother with overactive regenerative capabilities | Hannah Van Didden |
Chill and Netflix | James Hacking |
Ibuprofen | Jill Damatac-Futter |
The Boy Who Had To Colour In The Sky | Joanna Currie |
When Reginald Died | Jonathan Cardew |
Tiny Red Daggers | withdrawn |
Mac and Marky | Jupiter Jones |
Onions | Karen Ashe |
While The Truth Puts On Its Shoes | Karen Jones |
Percolation In Baked Climes | Kiira Rhosair |
Weighting | Kristina Jackets |
The Unmooring of The Gwendolyn II | Lee Reilly |
Spinning | Leonie Rowland |
Honeysuckle | Marilyn Smith |
Angie | Marissa Hoffmann |
Casanova’s Mistress | Matt Kendrick |
Old Glory | Michael Mcloughlin |
Black Rug On A Black Field | N Mac Cabe |
Foley Square, July 2019 | Nancy Ludmerer |
When Tony Taylor Won The Euromillions | Nick Petty |
The Finite Dragon | Nod Ghosh |
Threatened | Patrick Holloway |
Less Heart | Philippa Bowe Smith |
Out Not In | Rachel Smith |
A Product of Love | Rosie Escott |
Cherry On Top | Russell Reader |
Towels | Santino Prinzi |
Decision Making For The Middle Aged Woman | Sherri Turner |
They Never Burnt Witches | Simon Brown |
Push. Gojo. Robus. Pure | Susanne Stich |
The Wall | Talia Stone |
Abduction | Thomas Malloch |
The Cake Of Her Life | Tim Craig |
Five Minus 4 = Uno | Vance Cariaga |
The Games People Play | Xavier Combe |